
Sharks are among us, closer than you may think.  As in a food chain, some individual’s talent is occupying the chairs at the top, the APEX .  You can find them in any given profession, company, institution…Sharks use their ruthlessness (natural or acquired), in different guises: charisma, charm, or open aggressive behavior to get what they want.

You probably doubt a lot before taking action. They know you do and they thrive in it. Because they don’t. Other people’s hesitation is the blood that attracts them, the flesh that feeds them, and the bones they happily dispose of afterwards and pile up at the bottom of the sea.

“So I need to be a shark then…”  Well, to successfully become one, you’ll have to kill precious things in you; like empathy or self respect, but pretend the exact opposite. Now be warned: unlike dolphins, sharks don’t get along well with each other…in such  red tinted waters, there’s always a bigger specimen with sharper teeth.

Written by rodsta